Damn the Grim Prognosis — Let's Keep Fighting for Mother Earth!
Wisdom from my friend, a wetland conservationist in Chile...
"From INVASION DEL GULUMAPU – august 2022 – author GUILLERMO PARVEX – a historical novel about the ‘pacification’ of the Indians of southern Chile, carried out by military units returning from their victorious war against Peru and Bolivia – La Guerra del Pacífico.
The main character, Pedro Borquez, consults his cherrufe, aligning this stone – with its magical attributes - with the brightest star and asking what awaits them. The stone replies:
Muchos de ustedes, incluido tú, caerán bajo el fuego que desparraman los hombres blancos. La lucha que van a comenzar será estéril, pero DEBEN HACERLA POR SU HONOR, como pueblo…”
Roughly translated, you are doomed to, so die with honour.
[Many, including you, will fall under the fire spread by the white men. Your struggle will be futile, but YOU MUST DO IT FOR YOUR HONOR, as a people.]
This is my vision for the future of the planet.
HOWEVER, applying (approximately) the advice of the cherrufe, I am dedicated to trying to SAVE the planet. Inconsistent? Certainly, but it gives me satisfaction, and with my dedicated children and professional team and plenty of volunteers, lo pasamos bien – un trabajo bien hecho! [We are doing good - job well done!]”
Resistance is fertile (forget who said that)
A dialogue from my favorite Edward Abbey book "Good News" strengthens your point:
Sam: “‘…Listen, boss, I learned one thing at Harvard. There’s one thing wrong with always fighting for freedom, and justice, and decency. And so forth.’
Burns looks up at the blazing sky. ‘Only one thing? What’s that?’
‘You almost always lose.’
The old man laughs, reaches out, and squeezes Sam’s near arm. ‘Well, hellfire, Sam, what does that have to do with it?"