Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance — Robert F. Kennedy
OUR CIVILIZATION has committed —and continues to commit—genocide on a scale far greater than anything ever recorded in human history.
Yet one would scarcely know it. The exterminations have become normalized and everyday, be they of right whales in the Atlantic, orangutans in Borneo, or forest creatures destroyed to make way for commerical buildings down the road.
The awful things that humans have done to one another over the past few hundred years pale in comparison to the horror perpetuated on other life.
Try pointing this out to someone, anyone. You're likely to hear, "Hey, that's a shame, but humans come first."
But tell that to people who won't survive the climate crisis, or the consequences of overpopulation, or a nuclear war.
Indeed, there are compelling reasons to end our narcissistic culture of human supremacy. And soon!
RARELY is the term “genocide” applied to the destruction of nonhuman life. This is crazy. I did a quick search and found one article from the New York Times that referenced “what amounts to animal genocide” in the forests of Vietnam. Another, The genocide of plants and wildlife is simply wrong, appeared as a commentary in the Tampa Bay Times. Calling such destruction what it actually is — annihilation of gene pools of a living race — is something we must do, and do often.
Hear ye, hear ye! Widespread and accelerating genocide across species is clearly the greatest injustice of all time. We won’t be silent anymore.
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#greatestinjusticeofalltime #GIOAT
#GIOAT. Excellent point. Sharing!